Women and Children Transformation Ministry International, Inc.

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At Women and Children Transformation Ministry International, Inc., we believe in transforming lives and empowering futures. As a Delaware-based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, our mission is clear: to uplift and support women and children in need by providing physical, educational, and spiritual resources. We are driven by a vision of self-sufficiency and stability, enabling women and children to rebuild their lives and embrace their life’s purpose.​
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Women and Children Transformation Ministry International, Inc.

Women & Children Transformation Ministry International, Inc.'s vision is to engage in cordial collaborative client-centered partnerships with humanitarians, good-willed individuals, academics and academic institutions, neighborhood associations, media agencies, businesses, farmers, security agencies, federal and state governments. Local hospitals and community agencies, pharmaceutical companies, pharmacies, networks, clubs, societies. Churches and church-related organizations, national and international organizations, banking and other financial institutions, diplomatic agencies, countries, and governments worldwide to increase access to high quality and affordable optimal Christian faith-based, holistic care services to reduce disparities for women and children.​ To inspire the next generation to appreciate and engage in providing Christian faith-based services for women and children in their communities, their nations, and around the world with a dedication to improve their professional disciplines and advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people.
Women & Children Transformation Ministry International, Inc.'s mission is to support women and children by helping them become self-sufficient, training them to discover the values and purpose in themselves and reconstruct their lives, and deal with their hurt, failures, and learn everyday life tools.
Women & Children Transformation Ministry International, Inc. aims to address, educate, coordinate, and provide aid and relief services to women and children on a local and global level. To provide education through free lectures such as conducting college fairs, and slideshows to women and children in schools, libraries, and other public venues, as well as utilizing social media channels and the Corporation's website to provide facts, statistics, and other related data on difficult issues that are challenging and hindering them (Women and Children) from taking their rightful roles in society.
To provide services and developmental programs that will help achieve financial self-sufficiency. To provide mentoring, spiritual enhancement courses, and biblical counseling that will help each woman and child to discover their self-worth and potential. To provide help for the less fortunate children by meeting the need for food, clothing, and temporary shelter.
Single women ages 18 and up and young children who are low-income earners and are unwed mothers; or have been displaced and lost housing or income due to marital breakup, loss of employment, or death. Have completed drug treatment classes, or in transitional treatment programs. Children aged infants to adults who have been victimized by parental separation, abuse or abandonment.